Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Latest in Jr. Imagineering

Great news world, we have a new computer! A good computer too!

With the new computer, Brother can now start stop-motion movies and upload them to his Lego blog. The only thing standing in the way to making them this very minute is his homework. No really, he hates to do his homework.

Two weekends ago (or was it three weekends?) The World's Greatest Hobby tour came through town and we of course went to see it. We got our very own Carolwood Lily Belle train set, and Mom stopped by Michael Broggie's Carolwood Pacific booth to pick-up her very own autographed  book on the history of Walt Disney's Railroad. We are very serious about making that trip to Disneyland this summer and stopping at the Carolwood Pacific in Griffith Park. Fairy Godmother wasn't able to send us last year to Disneyland and we now know the truth as to why, as well as the truth about Fairy Godmother. I won't say it out loud here in case not everyone knows the truth, I don't want to hurt their feelings.

We are back to Imagineering, well, we were Imagineering at home but not sharing our adventures online. Mom decided it is important to do as much Imagineering as possible since we don't have too much science in our new schools. There is going to be a Science Fair, and Brother really wants to make a Lego Rube Goldberg contraption for the science fair but his teacher has a funny way of teaching class and usually tells everyone they're too stupid to do anything and doesn't really let them join in on any good stuff. He was super excited for the school's Math Bowl this year, and Mom went out to get stuff for him so he could be ready since there was a lot on the take home test he needed to learn and hadn't been taught in class but we didn't catch the date for the Math Bowl. So suddenly it was the Math Bowl, and Brother said his teacher passed out the test and told the class no one would make it and was real mean. So guess what, no one made the Math Bowl in his class, including him. So now here comes Science Fair...we'll see where that goes. Mom thinks Imagineering will be a great substitute for Science Fairing and Math Bowling. So stayed tuned...because we're back!